Thursday, June 9, 2011

I WON!!!!.....And first harvest.

Its been a while sense I have had the chance to get back to the Blog and I took a look at the last post (18 may) and there were two comments. Carolyn over at made a comment and gave me the news that I had won her book contest! "Hen and the art of chicken maintenance" Thanks Carolyn! I do not have the chickens yet (Darn OTH JOB has me gone 5 days at a time to tend to the chickens!), But I read up on them as much as I can and I spend a lot of time on other Blog's to see what I can learn. Carolyn's Blog is really great and very informative. As with all the other Blogging friends I have, she has great pictures.
And we have started to harvest from the garden! Cherry tomato's and Patty Pan squash so far. We had to pull the Kale we had planted as it had blotted and was trying to go to seed. Not many leaves from over 20 plants. But it has been HOT and we never did have a spring! It went from winter to summer in a little over a week and the cool weather crops did not do very well. But the heat loving crops are going gang busters. We got potato's (Yukon gold and Superior), Yellow squash,Watermelon and Cantaloupe planted just last week. So the garden is finally in and we will not do any more planting until we put in the fall crops in August.
Oh and the dog that was in my last post, we found her a new home. Four dog's are a little bit much and the family we gave her to has two young kids. So she is happy and so are they!
I will be back at the homestead next Monday and will try and get a post done then with pictures.
Every one take care and I will talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. No Spring for you either, huh? It's amazing what this year has brought us gardeners. Well I hope your warm crops continue to do great!
