Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Building has started

Holly Molly, Its been a while. But now that Spring is here (I think!), I have been working on all the things that I only could think about all through this past winter.
Like, The Chicken Coop!
Yep, I started building the Coop yesterday! And none too soon! The Chicks are fast out growing out of the brooder and I need to get them out side

All of the lumber is recycled, so that was a big plus! I planed all of this in my head, and not everything came out the way I wanted it to. I sure could have used TOOL LADY'S and BEE GIRLS help on this one!

I also now know how badly I want (NEED!) a work shop!

But as you can see, Framing is done and to day I got some framing done for the floor.
I had to build it near to the house, as I did not want to run over 100" of extension cord. But Mark helped me move it to it's place back near the "Back 40"

As I posted before, the tractor and bush hog are down and I have not been able to get them fixed yet. But my kind friends next door felt sorry for me ( I think they were tired of the jungle in my front yard!) and let me use their riding mower this morning. I got the front yard done and was just starting on the back, when the right front tire just came off the mower! I couldn't believe it! The mower is sitting out back and Mike will send his son over tomorrow to load it up in his truck and get it fixed.
He said not to worry about it. But I feel so bad that this happened! I broke my tractor and bush hog and now his mower! I offered to pay for the repairs, But Mike said "Hell, it was going to happen any way". So he will take care of it!

So I spent the rest of the day cutting the walls and flooring for the coop. I didn't want to install any of that, as it would have been way to heavy to move. But it's all cut and ready to install in the morning. All I have to get now is a set of hinges for the back door and put together the door for the Chickens. When that's done and the Chicks are in their new home, The next project will be the fenced area on the front of the coop to keep them safe. After they get older, I will figure out a bigger yard for them and may even let them free range some!
 Next post, Finished coop!


  1. Was beginning to wonder if the chicks had plotted some sort of uprising and had taken you out! Welcome back :)
    Coop looks good, can't wait to see the finished product and your girls strutting around in their new abode.

    1. Carolyn,
      The Kids are getting so big now! When I remove the top off the brooder to get at the water and feed containers, They all want to jump up on the top of the wall and stare at me like Vultures!
      I have found a way to stop that, I give them a slice of bread first and while they run around trying to get it all for them self's, I can get the containers out and refilled. And every body is happy.

  2. That looks like an awesome coop-in-the-making! As we all know, nothing ever ends like it starts. I bet your girls will be happy to have their own home.

    1. Susan,
      Heavy rains today delayed work on the coop. Thunder storm woke me at 0500, Thunder, Lighting and high winds all day.
      So what did I do all day? Baked a ham, made scalloped potatoes, Baked a loaf of egg bread and a green salid for dinner. And chocolate cup cakes with a cherry cream cheese frosting! Man was that ever good!

  3. Seems like there comes the time in all little chickies lives when we can't WAIT to get them outside. Looks like you're doing great on their quarters. Be sure to take more pictures as it all comes together.

    1. Mama Pea,
      It's way past time to get them out side! Even with all the rain today it was 81 for a high. Tomorrow is reported to be sunny and 76. So I should be able to at least get the walls up, floor in and a roof on before I have to go to work.
      If I get that done, I may move them out there tomorrow after noon and start on the fenced yard on Saturday.
      Still lots to do!

  4. The coop looks great so far! I can't wait to see how it all turns out! Tool Lady always keeps her plans in her head, too...until they come out with screws and lumber everywhere ;-) I can't wait to see more pictures!!!

    1. Worked on it again today! Walls up, Floor installed and the roof on. Check out the next post.....More pictures!

  5. Hey Tom, your coop looks great. Fantastic to be able to use all recycled wood. That's fantastic. The Chickies will love it.

    1. Emily,
      If it were not for the recycled wood, I would never been able to build this thing! Had to get a set of hinges for the back door. And other then the screws to put it all together, that was the only money spent on it!
