Friday, April 27, 2012

Daisy's new Dog House

She would like to think that, but she would be WRONG! It's the new CHICKEN COOP! Once I got the floor installed, She decided to test it out. She spent the rest of the day inside testing it out to make sure it was good enough for the Kids!

She supervised from this position for most of the day. But she was not much help with the construction!

Roof, side walls and back walls installed. Daisy still supervising.

The back walls. The left one is the door that I will use to clean out the coop and where I will have access to feed and water containers. I cut and installed the two turn locks (?) so the door will be secure.

The door opened and Daisy though this was a good idea! Flow-threw ventilation! It was the only time she got up and moved all day. You can just see Elli (Terri's dog) to the right of Daisy. She was in there too at times. But she enjoyed being underneath the coop in the shade.

So, only a few more things to do before the Kids move in. Extend the walls a little and install chicken wire at the top to keep unwanted guest out. I also need to cut and install a Chicken door on the front. I built the frame work for that already and installed the ramp.
I also need to build a set of roosting positions yet. I have an idea on what I want to do for this. I will build a wooden frame about 4' long and then install 1/2" PVC pipe across the at 1' spacing and then use a couple hinges so I can swing the whole thing up out of the way for cleaning!

So my next post will be my 100th and I will celebrate  that by moving the Kids to their new DIGS!

The next project will be the Chicken yard. I already have it pictured in my head. 8' wide and 16' long on a wooden frame, covered with Chicken wire to keep them safe until they get big enough to start free ranging during the day time.


BEE GIRL, What do you think? Seeing as you and TOOL LADY gave me the inspiration for the Brooder and this construction project to begin with! Many Thanks!


  1. Looks like Daisy is observing so she can give input on design of her dog house. Too cute.

    1. TL,
      A Daisy tower is now on the list of things I have to build!

  2. Woo hoo, congrats... We used alder branches, about 3 inches in diamter, for the roosts. Works great, gives them something to grip to.

    1. Ruth,
      I have no trees on the place yet. But will go into the woods and see what I can find.

  3. Tom - it looks wonderful. So nice that you have such good help too (from Daisy and Elli). Congrats. The girls are going to be happy out there. Emily

    1. Emily,
      Hope so! And I also hope that 5 of them are GIRLS!

  4. What a great helper! Looks like she's done a good job, LOL, but of course the carpenter gets a lot of credit too.

    Question, I have ants in my worm bed! Seems like I get ants in everything I do, compost piles, garden beds. Is that a problem for the worms?

    1. Leigh,
      If you have the bed wet enough, the ants will leave. I have nageltied by beds very badly and allowed them to dry out quite a bit. Not only do I have ants, But the mice have moved in and so have the snakes! The snakes are there for the mice and they both eat worms! So my population is way down. I have a compost tumbler full of compost and worms, I just need to get out there and clean out the mice, snakes and wet the bedding good and wet. Then dump in the compost and wet it again and add more food.

    2. Thanks Tom. I'm concerned about getting the right amount of moisture. I know they don't like too wet, but obviously they can tolerate more than ants!

      I have found snakes under the black plastic I cover compost piles with. Fortunately our cat keeps the mouse population at bay so we don't have many snakes anymore. Don't want either to take up residence anywhere!

    3. Leigh,
      If the bed is opened bottomed, the excess water will drain off into the soil. It's really hard to over water!
      The Worms live in the top 4-6 inches of bedding and can take quite a bit of water. They will move into the area that is right for them.

  5. Your girls are going to be very happy in their new digs . . . provided, of course, you can get Daisy out of there! I think all dogs like to be a little "up in the world" where they can see a little more. You may have to build Daisy a platform house of her own from which to survey her domain!

    1. Mama Pea,
      Your right! I have installed the front wall and had to remove Daisy to do that. She was not happy about it! And when I get other projects done, maybe I will build her "Tower" of her own!

  6. Lots happening at the Worms-a-crawing farm! If you're using the pvc pipe for roosts, it might be too slippery for them. Sometimes the easiest roosting material to use is just a tree branch! I see that Daisy is as helpful as my sheep...

    1. Susan,
      Remember no trees! But you are right and I may have two to go out into the woods and see what I can find. The kids are past ready to get out of the brooder!
      Question...Today the kids are 6 weeks old and have all feathered out. At what point should I switch over to Crumbles? They are getting a little bread each day and some greens too! and over the next couple of days I hope to get them outside where they will have grass, weeds and bugs. Are my "Teenagers" Old enough to step to the next level?

  7. You've been busy! Everything looks great! Sturdy and safe :-) I definitely see eggs in your future! Wait one sec...where are your nesting boxes? Did I miss something?

    1. Bee Girl,
      No, you did not. The coop in the pictures above is not done yet! I have the next tow days off from work and will devote that time to the coop (Extend the walls some, add a chicken door and ramp, place hardware cloth over the vent area and install a closed in Chicken yard!). The nesting boxes are in there somewhere! At least I think they are!?
