Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So very long!

Hey everyone,
I know it has been way to long without a new post. And the only reason I can give is that "LIFE SUCKS"!!

The homestead is under a financial burden right now and there isn't any reason to believe that it will get any better any time soon! The Hospital stay  (Two separate times ) that took place a year ago February nearly broke the Bank! And I got so far behind in other bills that I get 2 - 3 phone calls a day from people wanting $$ that I do not answer the phone that much.

And the homestead has been neglected because of it! I do not have much of a garden in this year. The heavy rains in early Spring delayed get the garden worked up and seeds planted. And now we are in a drought with very little rain and highs in the 80 - 90's. And on top of that my heat  pump has been down for over a year! I used a few space heaters in my bedroom this past winter and now have a window air unit in that same room!

You know back when I was young and stupid, I though I had plenty of time to start putting away for retirement. But now that I'm old ( Saturday will be my 61 Birthday!) and stupid, It never happened. And I'm still working a full time job just to try and get a head a little bit.

But that's what my life is like! And I really did not want to post about that at all! I do want to let you know that I have not fallen off the face of the earth and that there are a few things that are still going on here! As the following photos will show!

As I posted earlier, I got 12 new laying Hen back on February 28th and this photo was taken the day I moved them from the brooder to the Hen House.
They will be 11 weeks old this Friday and still have a few weeks to go before they will start laying. This gives me 20 layers in the flock. The 8 older girls have been laying 5 eggs a day on average and have produced 810 eggs so far this year. I have been able to sell a few cartons of eggs and this has helped to pay for the feed!

And this is my sorry looking garden. Onions in the raised bed and Potatoes in the tires.


And this is the raised bed I set up to plant Tomatoes in. I set up two of theis and planted two plants in each.  They are not doing very well and what fruits that did start to grow were taken by the Crows! 

This past winter was really hard and a lot of the plants that normally come back each year did not make it threw the cold weather. One plant that did not make it was a gardenia plant that Terri had in her front yard. This plant was at least 11 years old and had been coming back each year bigger and produced more flowers each year. But not this year! A lot of people lost the same type plant!

So Life goes on with a lot of bumps and lows. And I just couldn't find the energy to get a post up until now! And I'm sorry if I sound like I'm crying in my beer (Can't afford that eathier!). But I will try to get a better post up in the next few days!



  1. This past winter (and year) were pretty tough on everyone, I think. It's hard enough to make ends meet without 'surprises'. Once you get behind, it sure is tough to get ahead. I'm sorry about your garden, as it would have been a big help in the grocery department. Any chance you could find free plants on craigslist or freecycle? I know I found a home for a dozen tomato plant seedlings that way.

    1. Hey Susan,
      I know it has been a long time! Your right, I do not know when or if I will ever see Ahead again.
      The garden is so very sorry and I will not get much from it this year. But I will try your idea and see if I can get something to add.

  2. If most of us told the truth how young and stupid we were would have taken care of "old". Just saying. You have plenty of company. It will get better, trust me.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your financial burdens! Especially with the phone calls. Hopefully the new chickens will help keep a smile on your face!

  4. Hi Tom
    Just found your blog. Sorry to hear about your tough times. I know those times are hard to get through, but better days ARE ahead, I promise. I think we all have that "year from hell"--seems you're having that now. Shame about the garden. It was a really really bad winter this year. I live in northern Michigan, and I lost so many trees ( even my beloved peach trees, which I was told wouldn't work here but I'm stubborn and tried anyway!)
    Anyways , a whole novel later-ha ha--looking forward to future posts and hoping you catch a break soon.
