Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Irene's aftermath

Irene came thru and dumper a lot of rain/wind. I spent 41 hours at the job (1130 Friday - 0700 Sunday). Lots of water damage to the building and meny trees down. The ride home was interesting!

This was the conditions on the drive home on the route I normally take! What is a 1 1/2 hour drive, became a 3 hour ordeal to get around the road blocks!

Some I was able to drive on the shouler to get around!
 And the Ahokie creek was near flood and runing over its banks!

This a bridge I cross over the creek on and it is normally just a small stream!

But as you can see it was over flowing and inadating some of the crop fields along it' banks!
One of the things we were hoping that Irene would do was put out the fire in the Great Dismal swamp and get rid of the smoke we have been put up with the past weeks. But nope! the peat bog is still burning and the smoke is still with us.
One very strange thing is this guy desided to take up residents on Mark's front porch!
He stayed with us for a few days and did not show any ill effects from the storm.

One last picture, this tree sat in the front of a resterant in town. It looks like it was hit by a bomb!

We do not have any trees on the homestead, but there is an American Gum that sits on the property line on Mark's place and it lost some limbs that fell into his yard. Tommorow I will be out there with the chainsaw to clean that up. I will have pictures on the next post. As if I didn't have enough to do already!

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